
Monday, December 9, 2013

Food For All

Tonight, I spent time with my granddaughter at her Parish School of Religion class. We traced our hands on green paper, cut them out and placed a red heart on which we had signed our name to the middle. They were then all attached to a classroom Advent Wreath. In bunches, the paper hands became the greenery encircling the four Advent candles. Afterward, we processed to church for a small service. Each was given a small prayer card and asked that wherever we are tomorrow at 12 noon, we were to recite the prayer in hopes of ending world hunger. Pope Francis and Caritas International are the starters of this "spiritual wave". It is only 7 sentences long, plus an AMEN.  I invite you to say this prayer at whatever your 'noon' might be. Ask a friend or co-worker to say it with you.

There is probably more of this campaign than I know, but a single prayer with a million echos, sounds like an awfully good start in the hope of ending world hunger. Hunger is something I have never known. Even in times when bills were behind, a job was out the door and no prospects in sight, there was always a meal. Tonight it is pretty cold in Northeast Ohio. Although it is 27 degrees, the winds are 25 miles an hour, and it will snow overnight and be in the teens tomorrow. Some people are in the elements with no shelter, and no food.  In years past, I have worked in a hospice for the dying poor, handed out meals at hunger centers, and piled shelves at the Food Bank, all while having food in my own pantry and refrigerator. I remember a time setting up a serving line at the West Side Community Center with service groups from various churches. We were told that after we were done serving we were to each take a plate and sit wherever there was an empty seat, and converse with our guests for the rest of the meal. One of the parents of a school group stated that they were here "only to serve the meal, not eat with the patrons". The director again stated the protocol to follow for the evening. The parent also again stressed that they were only here to 'serve', not to 'mingle'. The director politely thanked them for coming but that they could leave now, because the rest of us "had to be about our Father's business".  I always thought that was harsh, but also the right thing to do. Not any of us know what tomorrow's dawn will bring us. Or, the rest of our human family. Please join us at noon on December 10th......

One Human Family Food For All Campaign Prayer - Pope Francis and Caritas International

"O God, you entrusted to us the fruits of all creation so that we might care for the earth and be nourished with its bounty.

You sent us your Son to share our very flesh and blood and to teach us you Law of Love.  Through His death and resurrection, we have been formed into one human family.

Jesus showed great concern for those who had no food - even transforming five loaves and two fish into a banquet that served five thousand and many more.

We come before you, O God, conscious of our faults and failures, but full of hope, to share food with all members in this global family.

Through your wisdom, inspire leaders of government and of business, as well as all the world's citizens, to find just, and charitable solutions to end hunger by assuring that all people enjoy the right to food.

Thus we pray, O God, that when we present ourselves for Divine Judgment, we can proclaim ourselves as "One Human Family" with "Food For All".  AMEN.

As ever,
La Verne

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